The New Babylon

October 19, 2009 at 8:02 1 comment

This is my first and hopefully my only political blog.

All through history governments that take over the media are up to no good.   Look for the silencing of talk radio, the control of the internet, and the end to homeschooling.  Soon after people who find ways to criticize the government become political prisoners.  Persecution of Christians will soon follow because Christianity is the most provocative religion ever along with Judaism.  The president gave a speech last month to the un that was a slap in the face of the Israelites.  Israel is on its own now.

I do not say this things to scare people.  I am trying to get to Christians to get ready.   Read the book of Hebrews over and over.  It was written to a Church that was undergoing severe persecution.  Nero was rounding up Christians for torches at his parties and to feed them to wild beasts.  Hebrews is telling the Church to stick together, encourage each other, and do not leave the faith.  It would better to die than to deny Christ Jesus. 

This my opinion based on news, what government is trying to do as it disregards our Bill of Rights, and other sources.   I have prayed for revival and judgment to come upon our nation.  Children are a blessing however we have collectively aborted over 50,000,000.00 babies over the past 30 years.  The worst thing the Israelites did was burn their children in the fire to a foreign god.  I put both of these two things in the same category.  We are the new Babylon.

Entry filed under: Grace.

Satan Attacks God’s Political Perspective

1 Comment Add your own

  • 1. Dick Fisher  |  October 21, 2009 at 8:02

    Paul, in recent months I have been encouraged by God’s humbling of King Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 4. Rather than for me to repeat the account here, please read it. I love N’s conclusion of v. 37 “…He (God) is able to humble those who walk in pride.” May God humble us as a nation mercifully and may we repent as King N did.


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